“Oh, how useful my catechism lessons and the advice of my parents and teachers have been to me…!”

(Aut 26).


One has the sensation, above all around the adolescence that the history and the world have been born with him. It seems to us  that there is a before and after of which we are conscious we know, we can… The reality, in its own time used to be assuming responsibility in waking us from this infantile dream. We also are used to say that nobody teaches a lesson into a strange head, not so?  It seems that we have to make such and such experience to know for sure what it does deal with. We can take it for advanced and progressive when we don’t listen nor we make use of the lessons which others have realized in life.

It is true that every one, in the last instance (with the presence and company of others) has to open himself at a step making his path, searching for his place… but with the wisdom of the great popular and religious traditions, also among them those of the Bible reminds us of the convenience and opportunity of lending attention to the advice, admonition, to the teaching and instruction of those who already did a certain progress of pace and realized a certain learning in the art of life. And all this because the normal is that we are not knowing, that we doubt …

In truth in order to know one has to love to know. To understand one has to love to understand. Ask the Lord, then, to love to know and understand, that is, ask him intelligence and wisdom, to love to listen and understand what to do, when, how, with whom  …. To know and to love the truth, also to love in truth. Also to recognize and to thank all that and all those who have taught to be what you are and to live the noble art of life. In the middle of so many and so different voices, sometimes not many of them properly supplied with a dose of fame, publicity and noise which reach you from one place to another, and want to influence and fix a mode of being and doing you have to learn to discern, discriminate and choose … Do you allow yourself to be advised, assessed, evaluated ? Who does advise and assess you ?