José Cristo Rey García Paredes (1944) is a Claretian missionary priest, professor of theology and musician. jose-cristo-rey-garcia-paredesHe professed as a Claretian in 1960 and was ordained priest in 1968. He received his doctorate in Rome with the thesis: “Political Theology and Felicité de Lamennais”. He has taught at the Claretian Theological Study of Colmenar Viejo (Madrid) and Studium Theologicum of Curitiba (Brazil). She obtained from the University of Salamanca the Chair of Theology of Religious Life. He has taught at the Institute of Religious Life of Madrid, and also an annual special course at the Institute for Consecrated Life in Asia (ICLA), Manila (Philippines) as well as in the Higher Institute of Pastoral (Pontifical University of Salamanca). Currently she continues to teach theology, as a professor emeritus, at the Regina Apostolorum School (Madrid), at the Formation Center of Taiyuan (Shanxi – China) and at the Institute of Consecrated Life Sanyasa in Bangalore (India). He has recently been appointed by Pope Francis as consultant to the Congregation for Institutes of Consecrated Life and Societies of Apostolic Life (CIVCSVA) for a period of five years. He has published a great deal of works, a list of which can be seen in the presentation of his blog “Ecology of the Spirit”: We highlight some of his contributions related to Claret: María en la espiritualidad claretiana (Madrid, 1988); Una lectura “teológica” de las Constituciones en Nuestro Proyecto de vida misionera. Comentario a las Constituciones, vol. I (Rome, 1989); Nuestro Proyecto de vida misionera. Comentario a las Constituciones, vol. II (Rome, 1991), the latter was produced in conjunction with Fr. José María Viñas; Danos hoy nuestro pan de cada día – Simposio “Eucaristía-Vida” (EU, 2015).