“God our Lord, to defeat and destroy heresies, errors and vices that the devil is struggling to bring up and propagate with all means possible, the help of the Virgin Mary is needed together with those fervent devotions that She relies upon in a very special way.” (L’egoismo vinto. Roma 1869, p. 52. Retranslated in  EE pp. 411-412).


We hate lies and, injustice gives wound to our human sensibility. Violence that punishes so many people and towns, especially the weak people, causes in us a terrible anxiety and uneasiness.  Deeply it is a question of substitution of the desire for power and of the ambition to dominate others.  It seems that for some, it may be licit to manipulate everything, including human beings, in order to consolidate a situation of privilege that is, on the other hand, not capable of leading one to true happiness. The “works of the devil” appear through these situations that lead to death and suffering, that profane the sacred dignity of persons and impede history to consolidate the horizons of peace and fraternity that God has indicated.

How can these forces of evil be counteracted? Where can we find the spiritual energy to maintain the commitment to do good, do justice and do the truth?

Saint Anthony Mary Claret reminds his faithful the figure of Mary.  She is the icon of those who listen to the “Word of God and put it in practice”  (cf Lk 8,21).

Receiving the truth of the Word, that reveals the dignity of the human person, prepares us to respect concretely this dignity in our daily life.  Opening our hearts to the Word that invites us to look at Creation as a gift to be shared, creates profound dynamism of solidarity.  Listening  attentively to the Word that helps us discover fraternity and justice as necessary horizon of history in order to live each moment with meaning, is a constant reclaim to overcome selfishness and move towards the ways of love and solidarity.  Mary accepted this Word of God and put all her being to the service of realizing God’s plan.

The Mother of Jesus, “the Word that became flesh” (cf. Jn 1,14), gives orientation to whoever comes close to her for the person to assume in his proper life those marks and attitudes that make the life of each person become praises to God and blessing for others.